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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fighting For Life

Guest post by Samar Saleh


Every time I see a newly born baby I have the same strange thoughts, I find myself gazing at his eyes that seem to be looking at me, wondering if he really sees me, does this child know the place he had been pulled into or is it still too soon to figure that out? We never know the ups and downs which we are going to face, we never know the pain that will ache our hearts, yes we are going to fall so many times, and each time we fall we shall bounce up and rise again, maybe hope will carry you up, maybe a good friend will uplift you, or maybe you are very strong and you can always depend on yourself to shine.

 And so when I see the newly born child wondering how tough is he going to fall, and what kind of wounds will put him in pain, but I am never worried, because with each obstacle we find ourselves capable of fighting it back, there is always a strength deep within but we don’t know we have, and when life hits us so hard we fight harder, but when the fight is for the sake of a dream then it’s so worth the pain.

Life is hard, short and full of pain; no one can deny that, each got his own burden but we are still alive, and that’s a precious chance, let us have a little faith and believe in the goodness of life, let us be grateful, let us thank the people who always stand by our sides and tell them how much we love them, and always believe in your self no matter how down you are, life had gave you another chance to live why don’t you give life another chance to be good!

 Less than one month after I wrote my first Blog Post, I received a message from Samar asking me to write a post for her great Inspirational Blog Echoes. I was flattered and happy but at the same time I was anxious and scared. 
Who am I to be invited on another successful Blog? What will her readers think when they will read my Post? 
Encouraged by Pat, I wrote an entry for Echoes, and felt so relieved once it was posted
That entry, meant a lot to me. It was my first official step as a Blogger!
Thank you Samar. Your Blog is Great!



  1. This is absolutely beautiful. We do get back up. It's born in us to do so.
    Even at times when we don't want to, there are people in our life that will help us and guide us.
    We have to keep fighting.

    1. Thank you Kimberly!! I agree with you, Samar's post is beautiful!

  2. This was your first attempt and it is really a beautiful and wise post you wrote dear. We fight but we are alive, tomorrow can only be a better day. We are never alone and we should always stand up again.
    Thanks Nikky, take care dear. xx

    1. Hi Marie, I'm sorry if my brief note has caused any confusion. This Post was written By Samar who is a great writer!!! She was the first one who invited me to her Blog, but that post above is what she wrote for my Blog :)
      You are absolutely right!! It's a great entry of Samar!

  3. thank you so much Nikky for your sweet words, you are a great writer as well and thats why i invited you to my blog, and i'm very happy to be invited to yours so thank you it really means a lot to me :)

  4. Nikky, here is another one for you. So well deserved: I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger and Beautiful blogger awards! You can see the link on my homepage. http//

  5. To Samar: A beautiful post! I love how you create a picture of a little baby facing life's hardships, but surround that baby with hope.

    To Nikky: Thank you for introducing us to Samar! I hope you are feeling better, dear one. :-)

  6. Hi Nikky, there are times when it feels like you cannot go on. I know because I have been there many times in my life. But somehow I always manage to crawl my way back. God keeps me strong and anchored. I know that He only wants the best for me and that keeps me going. A great post!

    1. I could also relate to Samar's post!!
      However hard the lesson is, we always find a way out of it!

  7. ----Lovely. Beautiful.

    Love flowing to you, Nikki. So much Love. Xxx

  8. Samar, these are really lovely encouraging words. You're right, we must give life a second chance, (and a third, fourth, etc...)

  9. Nikky, how wonderful that you were featured in Samar's blog and that in turn, she was able to write this lovely and inspiring message on yours. Indeed, life can be hard and disappointing but in getting back up, we show what we're made of; we demonstrate our courage and perseverance. Lovely post, Samar! :)

  10. You are a great writer Nikky. You express yourself so lucidly. I am so glad you took that firs step to write for Samar. I am sure there will bo no looking back now in expressing who you are.

    1. Thank you very much Rimly <3 Sorry for my late reply <3


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